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Freelance Animators' Secrets to Finding Inspiration and Staying Motivated

Discover the insider secrets to never running out of ideas and maintaining your passion for animation with these essential tips for freelance animators.

Check Out These 6 Secrets to Finding Inspiration and Staying Motivated:

 6 Secrets to Finding Inspiration and Staying Motivated

1. Keeping an inspiration board

Keeping images, quotes, and other inspiration on a physical or digital board can motivate you and remind you of your goals.

Keeping an inspiration board of images, quotes, and other inspiration on a physical or digital board can motivate you and remind you of your goals

2. Exploring new art forms and mediums

Experimenting with different art forms and mediums can help you find new inspiration and fresh perspectives on your own work.

Exploring new art forms and mediums can help you find new inspiration and fresh perspectives on your own wor

3. Surrounding yourself with other creative people

Being around other creative people can help to stimulate new ideas and provide a sense of community and support.

Surrounding yourself with other creative people can help to stimulate new ideas and provide a sense of community and support

4. Taking breaks and practicing self-care

Taking regular breaks and doing things for yourself can help you recharge so that you can go back to work with more energy and ideas.

Taking breaks and practicing self-care can help you recharge so that you can go back to work with more energy and ideas

5. Setting aside time for personal projects

Setting aside time for personal projects can help you explore new ideas and techniques, and remind you of why you became an animator in the first place.

Setting aside time for personal projects can help you explore new ideas and techniques, and remind you of why you became an animator in the first place

6. Celebrating your achievements

Recognizing and celebrating your achievements, no matter how small, can help boost your motivation and give you a sense of accomplishment.

Celebrating your achievements no matter how small, can help boost your motivation and give you a sense of accomplishment

7. Keeping perspective

It's important to remember that inspiration and motivation come and go and that you can still make great things even when they're not there.

Keeping perspective. It's important to remember that inspiration and motivation come and go and that you can still make great things even when they're not there

Want To Learn The 6 Secrets to Finding Inspiration And Grow Your Freelance Animation Career Or Studio?

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Want To Learn The 6 Secrets to Finding Inspiration And Grow Your Freelance Animation Career Or Studio? Sign up for our FREE MASTERCLASS! Link in bio
ben marvazi 2020

About Ben Marvazi

Ben Marvazi has been a successful entrepreneur for over 20 years. He founded Promoshin in 2011 which he grew into a 7-figure highly sought-after animation studio. Since starting, he has worked with clients like Uber, Kaiser, NASA, Intuit, Pfizer, Verizon, Dunkin Donuts, Anheuser-Busch, Capital One, Comedy Central, FOX, Cisco, and many more!

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