The world of freelance animation can be lucrative and rewarding, but it can also be challenging to make it as an animator. However, if you know the right animation tips and tricks, your freelance animation career will be much easier.
Check out these 11 freelance animation tips that professionals swear by.
As the world of animation expands and the importance of animation in business increases, it should come as no surprise that the demand for quality freelance animators has escalated too.
Currently, 57 million Americans have selected freelance work as their primary source of income, with 25% of freelancers able to find work in less than 24 hours.
Since 2019, 71% of freelancers have noted a major growth in online work.
With stats like these, it should come as no shock that freelance animation is one of the most sought-after online jobs out there
The world of freelance animation can be overwhelming, insofar as starting your freelance animation business is concerned.
Fortunately, professional freelance animators are open to sharing their freelance animation tips that can assist you in running a successful freelance animation business.