The first thing we usually do when we have an idea is to do it our way. But did you know that there are rules for ideation sessions or processes? Here are 5 golden rules for coming up with ideas in the creative world.
1. Get Rid of the Concept of Bad Ideas
Many great animation ideas come from putting together two seemingly impossible ideas that can work together.
2. Quantity Can Be Your Best Friend
Any ideation session promotes creativity. Too much focus on quality can kill creativity.
3. Record Everything
Many ideas are spoken during informal ideation sessions like a meeting on coffee outing. How to remember verbal jackpots? Write. It. Down.
4. All People Are Creative
Everyone is creative. Not everyone has had the chance to show it.
5. Keep Your Goals in Mind
Any ideation session focuses on problem-solving to eliminate rambling discussions and get everyone on the same page.
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