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5 Ways Animators Can Deal with Difficult Clients

ben marvazi 2020

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Dealing with difficult clients is inevitable. It means your animation business is growing, but as you gain more experience in the industry, handling these clients will become easier to do.

Often, these tensions that arise between you and your animation client can be easily resolved or prevented. You should approach this situation with an open mind and try to understand your client’s perspective. Keeping your cool goes a long way as a freelance animator or animation business owner.

If you have trouble with clients bringing you down, here are 5 ways to deal with difficult animation clients.

5 Ways Animators Can Deal with Difficult Clients

1. Maintain good communication

When working with a new animation client, it is important that you set clear expectations early on. Communication is key, and a lack of it will result in uncertainties that lead to miscommunications and conflict later on.

1. Maintain good communication

2. Set clear expectations

Make sure your animation proposal is clear and concise, defining exactly what your goals, deadlines, and deliverables will be.

2. Set clear expectations

3. Write up a contract

A contract helps to confirm that everyone is on the same page, so if a client pushes their luck and demands more than what the scope calls for, you can easily refer back to the contract as a reminder of what was agreed upon.

3. Write up a contract

4. Remain calm and collected

Remaining calm keeps the situation from escalating. When interacting with a difficult client, be mindful of your emotions and make the conscious decision to keep the present situation from stressing you out.

4. Remain calm and collected

5. Let go of difficult animation clients

Letting go of any client isn't an easy decision to make and should be a last resort. It is important to weigh out the pros and cons of working with a difficult client to determine if you should end the contract and relationship.

5. Letting go of difficult animation clients

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