While working as a freelance animator, you’ll pick up tons of general animation terms that’ll help you understand animation and navigate your day-to-day work.
Check out these 8 important animation business terms for freelancers to know to succeed in the animation business.
1. Animation Assets
Animation assets are resources owned by an animation business that are expected to generate cash flow. Assets can include equipment, inventory, and property.
2. Animation Business Liabilities and Expenses
Liabilities refer to the money that an animation business owes other parties, while expenses refer to the money an animation business spends on operating costs such as utilities, salaries, and raw materials.
3. Upselling and Cross-selling Animation
Upselling and cross-selling are marketing techniques that can add to your animation business's profits.
4. Animation Business Revenue
The revenue of your animation business includes all the income generated through operations and activities.
5. Animation Project Deliverables
A deliverable refers to a finished product given to a client. Defining deliverables and deliverable deadlines play an important role in running a professional animation business.
6. Return on Animation Business Investment
A profitability metric that evaluates an animation business by dividing its net profit by its net worth.
7. Business to Business (B2B) Animation
When one business sells goods or services to another business, the transaction is defined as B2B.
8. Business to Consumer (B2C) Animation
When a business sells goods or services to consumers or end-users, the transaction is defined as B2C.