Being a freelance animator is no joke, and if you’ve been at it for a while, you know that sinking feeling you get when a proposal gets turned down or you end up not acquiring a job after having an interview with a prospective client.
Here are tips on what to do when facing freelance animator job rejection:
1. Know that you are not alone
Try to reach out to others who are currently going through the same thing or has plenty of experience in how to handle job rejections.
2. Don’t take it personally
You need to put it into context and realize that all freelance animators face rejection in their careers - you're not the first, and you most certainly won't be the last.
3. Don’t play the comparison game
Keep in mind that your fellow animators on social media who seem to be thriving most definitely aren't running to the platform to share their own job rejections, and therefore you shouldn't compare yourself to them.
4. Don’t see it as a reflection of your work.
It is always useful to put yourself into the hiring manager's shoes and realize that many factors could have been at play when a decision was made not to hire you.
5. Have a thick skin
Some prospective clients might never come back to you, while others might give you pretty harsh feedback. As hard as that might be to endure, you need to learn to brush it off and not take all criticism too seriously.