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5 Motion Graphics Books Animators Need to Read

ben marvazi 2020

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In the digital age we animators or motion graphic designers often forego traditional mediums like books to learn more about our craft and use digital means instead. At the core of it all, however, some motion graphics books have stood the test of time and continue to inspire animators and motion graphic designers today.

Let's go through five motion graphic books that are qunitessential towards the growth and development of any motion graphic designer trying to break the mold and make a name for themselves in the motion graphics industry!

1. Design for Motion: Fundamentals and Techniques of Motion Design

design for motion is a motion graphics book that will teach you the fundamentals and techniques you need for motion design

Image from Amazon

This motion graphics book is written by Austin Shaw and published by Focal Press. It offers a comprehensive introduction to the principles that govern motion design and provides an in-depth exploration of its key elements, including composition, rhythm, types of motion and animation techniques.

It also presents a wealth of advice on approaching a project from beginning to end. This handy motion graphics book is an essential read for any serious motion graphics designer who wants to understand how to make their artistic visions a reality and confidently produce motion graphics for clients

2. The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

drawing on the right side of the brain is great

Image via Amazon

For motion graphics designers, the right side of the brain can be a bit more difficult to access. This is where Betty Edwards' The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain comes in. This motion graphics book focuses on teaching motion graphic designers how to improve their drawing skills using techniques that have been proven effective for people with left-brain (logical and analytical) mindsets.

The first half of this book is about improving your perceptions with exercises that involve drawing what you see in pictures, or drawing from memory without any visual reference material, etc. It also goes into depth about how our perception works and why we need to use both sides of our brains when we draw if we want better results.

The second half focuses on learning how to use your creative impulses while drawing—which will allow you as a motion graphics designer to come up with better ideas more quickly than ever before!

3. The Animator's Survival Kit

the animators survivals kit is an essential book even for motion graphic designers

Image via Amazon

You bet this motion graphics book has a place on our list! If you’re looking for a book that is all about animation, then The Animator's Survival Kit is the one for you. Written by Richard Williams and originally published in 1981, this motion graphics book is considered by many to be one of the most valuable resources on the art of animation.

It covers all aspects of the process, from story development to animating and editing. It also includes advice on dealing with clients who are less than understanding about your creative vision (and it may be time for them to get some glasses).

With so much information packed into this small volume, I recommend reading through it at least twice—and maybe even three times if you have time! The first pass will help familiarize yourself with each chapter while allowing your brain enough time to process everything before continuing onto another section; meanwhile reading through it again will allow any missed details or questions from earlier chapters come into focus more clearly during later readings.

4. 12 Principles of Motion Graphics

the illusion of life contains the 12 principles of animation

Image via Amazon

This is a motion graphics book that every motion graphic designer should read. It's written by Disney animators Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas, two of the most influential animators of all time who had a hand in everything from Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs to Sleeping Beauty.

The motion graphics book by Johnston and Thomas is an exploration of how motion graphic design can be used to communicate ideas effectively, with particular emphasis on how it can be used within live-action films as well as animated ones. In this way it provides a wider understanding of what motion graphics are: they're everywhere!

Many industries use these techniques to communicate ideas visually; for example, when you see an animated GIF of a dog on Facebook sharing its opinions about politics or whatever else passes its way on social media platforms like Reddit or Twitter (if dogs can even access those).

5. Animation Unleashed

animation unleashed helps any motion graphic designer and animator bring out the best in their work

Image via Amazon

David Trottier’s Animation Unleashed is a great motion graphics book for intermediate to advanced animators and motion graphic designers who want to improve their skills. The book covers every aspect of animation theory, character design, storyboarding and more. There are also exercises at the end of each chapter so readers can test their new knowledge.

The book is very well-written, with a simple yet effective style. Trottier uses examples from his own work to illustrate the concepts he discusses, and there are many references to other books and films that may be useful for further research as you get deeper into the world of motion graphics animation.

Reading Motion Graphics Books Helps Improve Your Skills

Reading motion graphics books are a great way to improve your skills as an animator. If you're new to the field of animation or motion graphic design, there are lots of ways in which these resources can help you get started and learn more about what's possible in this industry.

a motion graphic animator inspired by these books

GIF by Vita Vita Cat via GIPHY

There's no doubt that reading motion graphics books will provide you with inspiration for your own projects—but there are other benefits as well. By learning from experts in the field, you'll discover new techniques and methods for creating your motion graphics that may not have been available otherwise.

Read These Motion Graphic Books Today!

If you’re an animator, motion graphics designer, or whatever title you ascribe yourself, then these books are a great place to start. They cover a wide variety of topics from basic principles like design for motion and storytelling techniques, through to more advanced topics such as color theory and how they can be applied in different contexts.

For more tips on motion graphics books, as well as answers to any other questions you might have, be sure to follow our blogs, check out our free masterclass and our Animation Business Accelerator Program, download a copy of our free marketing handbook, and check out our blog on “How to Start an Animation Studio”!

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