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7 Types of Clients Freelance Animators Should Expect

ben marvazi 2020

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Freelance animators should expect to have various types of clients over time. Some of these clients will be easy to work with, while others will test your patience and creativity. The most important thing is always to remember that you are in charge of your own time and work. If the client can't meet your expectations, then it's okay to decline their project or take on another client.

But as you go throughout your freelance animation career, you might find some clients fall under these types of clients down below!

1. The "I have an idea, but I don't know how to tell you what it is" client

some types of clients don't know what they want

GIF by akadabear via GIPHY

You can tell this client has an idea, but they don't know how to tell you what it is. They might not have a vision for their project, or they may be able to explain their idea but need help defining the project. This type of client may not have a good idea of what they want to do, or perhaps even why they need an animation at all.

This is the type of client you want to avoid. If they don't know what they want, then how can you create something that will meet their needs?

2. The "I've got the money; now make it happen" client

This is the type of client who will pay for the best quality possible and wants to be involved in every step of the process. They understand that high-quality work is expensive but are willing to invest in it because they know it will pay off in brand recognition and increased sales.

The more you put out there, the more clients will want to pay for your services--and if you're consistently putting out high-quality work, then this type of client can be a blessing!

like patrick, some clients have the money but aren't the best to work with

GIF by Lieblingsbankmemes via GIPHY

However, this type of client can also set unrealistic expectations about what their project should cost and how long it will take (after all, they have lots of money).

Be sure that everyone involved understands exactly what kind of product needs creating before starting any projects together so everyone's expectations are aligned from day one--and if any problems arise during production processes later down line (for example: delays due to unforeseen circumstances), communicate openly with each other so no one feels like they've been misled into thinking something would happen sooner than later which never actually happens because another deadline keeps getting pushed back again until finally someone just gives up altogether...

3. The "I want to be your friend" client

The "I want to be your friend" client is the one who wants to know everything about you. They don't just want to know what you're working on and when, they want to know how much money it will cost them (and why).

some types of clients can be intrusive and want to be your friends

GIF by Fuzzballs via GIPHY

They also want to know what you are doing outside of work, and might even distract you from finishing your work by asking questions about your personal life. Sometimes this type of client can seem intrusive or expect too much from freelancers who are trying to do their jobs professionally and efficiently without distractions from friends who aren't paying for their services in any way other than through friendship status updates on Facebook Messenger or text messages with emoticons at 2AM when everyone else has gone home for the night.

This type of client can feel like a burden because they require so much of your time and energy. They may not even realize that you have other projects to do for other clients, or that their request for revisions takes up more time than it should.

4. The "I only have $5 and a good idea for an animated video" client

five dollars for your animation services is definitely not enough

GIF by Simpsons World via GIPHY

You're a freelance animator, and you've just been approached by someone who wants to hire you. They want an animated video made for their business. The client has already thought up an idea for the video, but they don't have a lot of money to pay for it; they need someone like you who can make videos on their own time and at a low cost (or even free).

This type of client is usually very excited about their idea and eager to work with an animator who will help them bring that vision into reality--but there are some things that need to be considered when working with this kind of person:

They may not have a lot of money to pay for the video, so you'll need to make sure you're clear on what their budget is before starting work. -They may not know much about video production (and they'll be relying on your expertise). You'll need to be patient with them and explain things in simple terms so they can understand how everything works together.

They may not have a lot of time to work on their video. This means they'll need to be flexible with revisions and changes that are made during the production process.

5. The "I made some mistakes and need help fixing them" client

a client messaging a freelance animator because they made a few mistakes

GIF by Sony Pictures Animation via GIPHY

The "I made some mistakes and need help fixing them" client is one that you should be able to handle. It's important for your clients to trust you with their mistakes, but it's also important for them not to feel bad about making those mistakes in the first place.

You can't fix every mistake, but if there was something specific about their work that wasn't quite right or didn't meet their expectations, then it's up to both of you to find out what went wrong and how best for both parties involved (i.e., the animator and client) moving forward.

6. The "I would like to hire you" client

some types of clients are looking to hire

GIF by MAU Workforce Solutions via GIPHY

This client is a great way to make money as a freelancer. You can work from home or on the road depending on the nature of the job, and you will need to know how to price your services. This is also an excellent way for artists who are just starting out in their careers--or even those who aren't--to get experience and build up their portfolios before moving onto bigger projects with greater financial rewards (or challenges!).

You may find yourself working with other artists, companies or individuals who have no idea how animation works but are passionate about making something cool happen with their ideas. In these cases you'll need to learn quickly what makes good animation so that everyone involved knows exactly what they're getting into when hiring someone like yourself for a project like this!

7. The "Can I pay you in hugs?" client

when you're asking for money, some types of clients will give you something else like a hug

GIF by Cartoon Network via GIPHY

The "Can I pay you in hugs?" client is the one who wants to pay you with a hug or some other type of thing that isn't money. They may be sincere, but they also might not be able to afford your services. If they say they can't afford your animation services, it's probably best to find another client and steer clear of this person!

It's possible that this person could be scamming you--it happens sometimes. Be wary and don't let anyone push their boundaries on what is acceptable behavior from clients when dealing with freelancers online; if something seems off about them or their requests for payment, don't hesitate delete their contact info from your inbox and block them from contacting again via email/social media/etc.

8. The client who wants their favorite character animated

some types of clients want their favorite characters animated

GIF by Funimation via GIPHY

Collectors are a great source of income for animators. They often have a specific character in mind that they want to see drawn and animated, and they're willing to pay for the time and effort it takes to draw and animate their character.

However, collectors can also be very controlling clients because they want complete control over every aspect of the process: from what kind of animation is used (e.g., traditional hand-drawn or 3D computer graphics) to how long it will take before you finish your work. Collectors usually want one specific piece from you--and if there isn't enough room on the canvas, then too bad!

If this sounds like something that would drive you crazy as an animator...'re right! But don't give up hope just yet!

If you're good at what you do and have a design aesthetic that fits well with the collector's style, then they may give you the freedom to create whatever kind of animation they want. They will still have some specifications (e.g., no 3D computer graphics), but overall, they'll be willing to let you decide how best to bring their character to life on screen.

9. The marketing agency looking to control the project from start to finish.

an animator who is trying to learn marketing


You may be familiar with the term "marketing agency." They're the companies that handle your ads, social media and website design. They're also one of the most common types of clients you can expect to work with as a freelance animator.

The good news is that marketing agencies are often very experienced in their field, which means they'll know exactly what they want from you. The bad news is that most don't have much experience working with freelancers--and this can lead to trouble down the road when things start going wrong and tempers flare up between parties involved in the project (you included!).

marketing doesn't always mean there money there

GIF by Simpsons World via GIPHY

Marketing agencies often have money problems too: they may not have enough cash on hand to pay for your services upfront; or perhaps they won't be able to stick within budget after all once work has begun; or maybe they just don't care about staying within budget because it's cheaper than hiring full-time staff members who would cost more than $10/hour but might not produce results as good as yours!

In any case, if you're working at an agency then it's important not only that YOU take control over YOUR OWN TIME AND MONEY but also make sure everyone else involved understands why this matters so much too!"

Different Types of Clients for Animators is Good!

different types of clients are good!

GIF by Pudgy Penguins via GIPHY

As a freelance animator, you can expect to have a wide variety of clients over time. Some will be easy to work with and others will be more difficult. It's important to be flexible and adaptable when working with all types of clients because not every project is going to go smoothly at first glance.

Some potential clients may become frustrated with your work if they don't like what they see right away or if they think it looks "wrong."

However, it's important not to take these criticisms personally--instead use them as opportunities for improvement! If the client isn't open to suggestions on how they could change their expectations so that you can do better next time (or if he/she doesn't want any changes at all), then this might not be a good fit for either party involved in creating animation together:

You won't get paid well enough or have fun doing what matters most - creating beautiful art together as equals; while also feeling respected by people who appreciate creativity over everything else."

Freelance Animators Must Be Ready for All Types of Clients

freelance animators are kings and queens who are ready for all types of clients

GIF by iQiyi via GIPHY

Hopefully, this list has given you some insight into the types of clients you might encounter as a freelance animator. As you can see, they're all pretty different from one another--but they all have one thing in common: they need your help!

It's up to you how much time and effort you want put into each project, but remember that there will always be another client waiting for your services somewhere out there in the world. So go forth confidently and do what comes naturally: make awesome stuff!

If you would like more information about other animation drawing ideas and how to improve on your work as an animator, be sure to follow our blogs, check out our free masterclass, and our Animation Business Accelerator Program, download a copy of our free marketing handbook, and check out our blog on “How to Start an Animation Studio”!

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